Monday, September 3, 2007

Summer Extravaganza

Today was our third annual (?) Summer Extravaganza. Instead of contributing to the obnoxious, obscene, and offensive inundation of gifts our children receive at Christmas, we have our own obnoxious, obscene and offensive showering of gifts in the summer. It works out well (if I do it early enough in the summer) so that we hit the lull between birthdays (Nov, Jan, Mar) and Christmas.

The kids had a great time - I printed out clues and did a treasure hunt throughout the day. Some of the clues worked to music (like the theme from Brady Bunch). Very fun. They still have one more gift coming and that will be the last one.

Thad gave me the greatest gift of all - he took the kids swimming and to the driving range for about three hours this afternoon. Ahhhhhhh. It was absolutely heavenly. I honestly think I'm about as caught up around here as I have been in years. I cranked through a list of projects while they were gone - including finally uploading the Notification and Assessment Information summary of Diana Fessler's book to BSHEA.

1 comment:

dawn h-s said...

So, it's unfair to talk about extravagant and obscene gifts and not say what they are....